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Gay twink used by macho man

Gay twink used by macho man

Gay video. Time: 23 min

Skulking for dick in the depths of the back alley, twinky bottom boy Korar Darver loves the idea of a hot stranger walking up to him, not a word spoken, but pushing himself up against his young body, already feeling the hard bulge that he knows will soon be penetrating his ass bareback. Turning himself on with such a thought, it quickly become reality when bearded hunk Wolf Rayet does exactly that and is soon on his knees, his handsome face full of twink dick. Turning the boy over and rubbing his hairy face deep into that pink hole of his, it’s an ass slap or two before his juicy dick is sliding inside, his balls slapping against him as he holds onto anything nearby to him upright and hole open! As his top daddy pulls out and unleashes his hot load, Korar gets cum fucked deep!

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